Prayer for my sex addict husband

Heavenly Father,

You are my amazing God. I praise your consistency. You are great all the time. Thank you for the strength You have given me to endure the trauma of learning that my husband is a sex addict.
Only You know his heart Lord, and I pray that You will speak to his heart. Humble him like he first was in recovery. Open his eyes, Father God, so that he can see You and desire to be Christ like.
Please teach him how to build trust and to love like Jesus, Lord. Your love is perfect and I strive for a love like that in our marriage.
Bring into the light any residual fears, lies, and shame from his addiction so that he can face them and grow into the spiritual leader You want him to be.
Please guide me in my actions as I respond to him.  Keep me accountable and true to Your word God.
In Jesus name, I ask You to cast out the enemy’s desire to ruin our family and to ruin each of our lives as individuals in Christ. Satan is not welcome here!
Hebrews 13:4-7
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.  Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”  Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.


  1. marina

    I struggle with prayer like this. It is this “religious” jargon that has kept the body from moving forward. God created women equal to men. We are equal but different. That is an important difference.. We each in our own right are leaders, whether we are women or men. One is not superior to the other.
    If God truly intended mankind to be the “leaders” where was Adam at the dawn of time but right beside Eve and he failed then. Let’s get healed so we can each be all Christ wants us to be.
    There is much teaching in the “church” that women are to be subject to their husbands as the “head”. This teaching is lacking because we spend out time waiting for something that God never intended. If He (God) meant for men to be the “head” doesn’t it stand to reason that it would have happened by now. This teaching is detrimental when there is important work to be done. The enemy has used this erroneous teaching to the detriment of human kind. The truth is that Jesus spent much time trying to free women of the baggage that society placed upon them so that in freedom they could be all He intended them to be, movers and shakers.
    I wonder how much further ahead society’s would be if the “church”followed our Lord’s example in regards to women?

    • Jonathan

      I fight sexual addition, but I feel a need to reply to Marina. Yes a woman is strong yet that has nothing to do with an addiction ,, a man needs a woman but in an addictive nature he may feel embarrassed and very denied simply because of the need for Marina to show her strength.
      I am confused all the time thinking of sex and lusting after women ,, I try not act on that lust physically but end up praying after I have masterbated to stay sane because my wife,,, like Marina says I am sick ,,, sex is for having babies she says and I feel like she is right a lot of times and have thought of suicide. I agree the woman is the strongest most precious being on this earth and I love her. I think I want her again and again maybe because I am sick. I am sorry, I feel so guilty ,,and for admitting to this in public I have done many things just for my wife to let me make love to her, not just the dishes and laundry or her saying she wants me to be her.

      • Jeanette

        I am the wife of a sex addict. I can’t understand your battle but don’t take your life. I can hear in your writing that your a good caring person. Turn away 1temptation at a time.praying for you.


      I used to believe Adam failed Eve too. how nice to believe we (woman) really were not to blame…yet then i realized that before Eve’s sin: decision to take the fruit and rebel against God: there was no sin yet. Therefore, if Adam failed Eve first by letting that happen, that would have be sin on his part. But the Word is clear: there was NO sin until she took of the fruit by the Father of Lies….the true hurts, but when we can accept what the truth is then we can be victorious over it: Jesus is Lord Forever!

    • JEANNETTE Seiber

      I’m the wife of a sex addict and I don’t know what your going through but I know you aren’t alone. The lord loves you. Talk to him and he’ll get you through. Don’t give up. Praying for you.

  2. Ann

    Please pray for my sex addict husband( porn, online dating, masturbation, scheduling sex on craigslist )
    Please pray for our family also.

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